Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Frozen Fun

So it has been quite a while since I posted, but I suppose that’s what happens when you have a newborn and a husband recovering from back surgery. 
We’ve had some cold weather the last few days.  Like -20 actual temperature cold.  Because of this the girls haven’t had school and have been cooped up inside the house (for way too long), and I thought some fun winter activities were in store.

Glue Snowflake ornaments
I saw the idea for these at Factory Direct Craft Blog http://factorydirectcraft.com/factorydirectcraft_blog/diy-glue-snowflakes/  Unfortunately, I never got a picture of them finished and they are now packed with the Christmas tree decorations.  The only ones that worked were the two that the girls made.  I had made the glue extra thick and they use a large amount of glitter which I think helped it stay together.

Tortilla Snowflakes
I had seen the idea for these a few different places such as http://abirdandabean.com/2010/12/tortilla-snowflake.html.  Instead of powdered sugar we used melted butter and a mixture of cinnamon and sugar.  The girls thought this was a fun treat!

Clay Snowmen
I have been looking at a number of activities at education.com, and this is just one that we tried this week. http://www.education.com/activity/article/sparkle-snow-men/?cid=80.89  The girls had fun forming the clay as well as painting the snowmen.

The girls making the snowmen

Baby Olivia taking a well-timed nap so we can do our crafts

Ice Marbles
I have been excited to try these out since I saw the ideas this summer, and this week was the perfect time to try them.  http://queenvannacreations.com/blog//2012/02/01/ice-ballons/  It is definitely a messy project – my fingers are still dyed pink from opening up the balloons this morning – but still worth it. 

Snow Pictures
Another ideas from the education.com site.  The girls had fun painting and I’m proud of Ella for making her own trees :)

Boiling Water Freezing in Air
If you haven’t seen one of these videos, watch it and test it out yourself as soon as you can.  We had fun doing it!

Crystal Gardens
Here was a really cool experiment from Babble Dabble Do.  We used ½ cup water and ½ cup Epsom salt and I loved how they turned out!

Crystallizing Watercolors
From the Fun at Home With Kids blog, these made some pretty amazing pictures!

Salt Painting
Yet another fun activity from education.com. It was a simple and easy project for the girls to work on and was consistent with our snow and ice theme.

Paper Plate Snowman
This was actually a family homework project for Ella’s 4k class, but it fit in so well with our theme and provided another much needed activity for the girls.

Olivia helping out - it is a family project after all

Our finished snowman: complete with butterflies, a crown, and a wand

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